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Past Events
Voice of Vanilla Virtual Screening / Fall Fundraiser / Audience Feedback Session
Our short documentary will screen at festivals around the world, but you can watch it first!
Then join us for a Q+A/ Feedback Session to tell us what you think. Your feedback is valued and important to the development of the full-length version.
WATCH the film anytime from Nov 14- 24, 2023 at this link
JOIN the Q+A via Zoom on Friday, Nov 24 at 1pm EST. Register here.

Live Q+A via Zoom on April 19th 2023 at 6pm M
We’ll be discussing a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT, giving updates on the film and the farmers, and answering any questions you have.
RSVP on facebook at
or save the ZOOM link to your calendar.

Music of Madagascar – Virtual Concert
Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 12:00pm MT (11am PST/ 2pm EST)
We LOVE Malagasy music, and we’re excited to bring you talented musicians from all over Madagascar. Join us live on facebook or Youtube (**the concert will start at 12:15pm MT on Youtube**)

Past Events:

Live Online Seminar July 15th at 7:30pm MT/ 9:30pm ET
Madagascar + Global Issues: An Armchair Exploration
Register to be part of the Zoom conference at
or watch the livestream at
Devin Hibbard, CEO of Street Business School
Devin believes we can end extreme poverty in our lifetimes. She is the Founder and CEO of Street Business School—an entrepreneurial training program that helps women living in poverty go from an average of $1.35 to $4.19 per day by starting their own small businesses. She’s seen what can happen when women are empowered as business owners, and she believes unleashing a generation of women entrepreneurs can help us realize a world without poverty.
Fidy Rasambainarivo, Wildlife ecologist from Mahaliana labs
Fidy is a wildlife veterinarian and researcher working mainly on health and diseases at the human and wildlife interface in Madagascar. He obtained a veterinary degree from the University of Antananarivo and a PhD from the University of Missouri Saint Louis. In 2018, upon his return to Madagascar he and his wife started a laboratory and training center called Mahaliana to facilitate scientific research and wildlife conservation in Madagascar.
Jill Kubit, Co-founder and director of Dear Tomorrow
Jill is the co-founder of the award-winning storytelling project DearTomorrow, and co-founder of Our Kids’ Climate, a network of parent-led organizations from 18 countries. Kubit is focused on expanding climate-arts, growing the climate-parent movement, and integrating behavioral science and climate communications into program design. Follow @deartomorrow
Annette Witherspoon, Research Associate with Diversity Turn
Annette works as a Research Associate in the Transdisciplinary Project “Diversity Turn in Land Use Science: the importance of Social Diversity for sustainable land use innovations using the example of vanilla farmers in Madagascar”.
Mialisoa Gabriella Razafintsalama & Miora Rakotonirina
Mialy R. has a degree in Sustainable tourism development and is a passionate photographer.She is the owner of the page M i i on facebook and mialee.r on instagram where she shares about all her travels in Madagascar.
Miora is an attorney based in D.C. and the founder of the online platform Zon’ny ankizy (meaning “Children’s right”). The platform was created to help spread awareness regarding children’s rights, in the Malagasy community. Her team is currently working on ways to help local children and families report all types of children’s rights violations that they experience or witness.